Mobridge Youth Organization

"Our mission is to provide and offer opportunities for our area youth to grow in character and stay active"


Welcome to the Mobridge Youth Organization!

Mobridge Youth Organization was founded almost 30 years ago and is run by volunteers. MYO is a non-profit group that offers 10 different sports and activities for children ages kindergarten through sixth grade. Our mission is to provide and offer opportunities for our area youth to grow in character and stay active. MYO depends upon donations and fundraising efforts in able to provide these activities at a very low cost to participants.

Make a Donation  Contact Us

Volleyball Registration

Slow Pitch Softball Registration

Fast Pitch Softball Registration

Baseball Registration

Tball/Coach Pitch Registration

Quick Contact

PO Box 742
Mobridge, SD 57601

Sarah Ries

Vice President:
David Sourahada

Chad Jager

Lexy Hoisington
Keshia Milliken 

Board Members:
Brittany Schaffer
Jeremy Gosch
Shantel Stambach
David Souhrada
MJ Weninger-Schmaltz
Shealon Kaiser
Carissa Aberle
Ronna Marshall
Samantha Merkel
Darya Feiock
Eric Roshau
Kristin Feiock

Copyright © 2017 Mobridge Youth Organization & it's Licensors.